Crescent Calling

Have you ever looked at a corkscrew, seeing the twisting circles and wondering exactly what it would look like, plunged into an eye? Then, worstof all.. You're unable to turn away, and forget about the images of what could happen, of how you could hurt yourself.. or someone else, and all it would take was one mistake, or just a few seconds of conscious, baleful actions....

Wednesday, November 08, 2006

Embrace (cross posted)

It's changing,
Everything is changing,
Technology is to blame,
It is spreading it's wire like tentacles,
Spreading into every aspect of my life,
of your life,
of our lives.
It's already changed me,
I love the change,
The transformation fascinates me,
Every day life as we know it will be no more,
Even the simple things have changed,
And irreversible.
Don't deny the coming,
Don't attempt to prevent the change,
Don't let it pass leaving you behind,
Don't fear that which is new,
Doesn't matter if you love it or hate it,
Just so long as you,
Embrace it.

I'm always hoping that everyone will see through the fears of change, and figure out how the world should have adapted, had it not been lead astray. That is our purpose here, to keep the call of the future mingled with the howls of the past among our brethren, and relight the path to Utopia and the rekindling of the Triat's balance... At least, That's my vision. If only there were more of you to share it with..



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