Crescent Calling

Have you ever looked at a corkscrew, seeing the twisting circles and wondering exactly what it would look like, plunged into an eye? Then, worstof all.. You're unable to turn away, and forget about the images of what could happen, of how you could hurt yourself.. or someone else, and all it would take was one mistake, or just a few seconds of conscious, baleful actions....

Sunday, October 22, 2006

Time Marches On

Wonderful. I try to figure out what's going on, transfer problems to peopkle who can solve them.. and I end up owing people favors. It's office politics, only it's worse, and it's the end of the world on the line instead of quarterly earnings. I don't really want to extend that analogy...

Someone requested that I look into a matter, and I agreed to do with a loose maybe on their terms.. and in doing so now Vinny expects something out of me, aside from being his personal sports score ticker. Maybe He'd pay me for that... But being a bookie is just one step away from being his accountant.. and I woul drather not get myself cooking books for anyone except myself, and the flat mates.

Speaking of them, they seemed to think weekly meetings were a decent idea to keep track of everything... Although they seem determined to treat me to an expensive computer. I tried to explain i'd likely be too busy fighting for Gaia to do the weekly tech support.. but they brushed it off with a chuckle.

So much that needs to get done this week... Looking into things for people, learning more from Alex and others.... I guess if all the activity gets things off my mind, I'll be better off...

[Worried and Drained]


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